Committee Timeline & Agendas

The Education 2020 Committee was formed in 2018. It consisted of LCSD parents, teachers, administrators and community members who explored the future of education in the district and the ever-changing needs of students. 

February 28, 2018: The conversation with the committee shifted to look at student needs. Should we consider these needs as we think about future projects?

March 28, 2018: The Committee broke into four groups. They rotated through four questions and the members were asked to reflect on what students will need in the future. Each group recorded ideas that will be shared at the next meeting.

April 18, 2018: The result of the March 28 meeting were shared. Enrollment data was shared with the committee. The committee chose a theme. “What do we value as a district?” A subcommittee will bring a draft survey to share at the May 30 meeting.

May 1, 2018: Subcommittee meets, sets second date of May 21. The administrative team activity was discussed to get data from the administration to help create the survey.

May 15, 2018: Administrative team meeting activity, data collected with a similar format of the March 28 meeting.

May 21, 2018: Subcommittee completes draft #1 of the survey to bring to committee on May 30th.

May 30, 2018: Education 2020 Committee Meeting Agenda Items

  1. Shared Draft #1 survey and collected feedback. Goal of a final draft by January 2019 as target date. Some wanted this date moved up.
  2. Discussed what we would want in a two and a half minute movie trailer.
  3. What are the key talking points as we start to share information? Subcommittee work
  4. Schedule listening sessions in buildings and other groups in the fall 2018.
  5.  Other

June 20, 2018: Meeting Agenda Items

  1. Bring Draft #2 of survey and share feedback from May 30, collect new feedback
  2. Draft #1 of talking points and collect feedback
  3. Pick dates for September 2018 through the rest of the fall 2018
  4. Other

September 26, 2018: Meeting Agenda Items

  1. Bring Draft #3 of survey and share feedback from June 20. Collect new feedback if needed. Is there a need for another question?
  2.  Draft #2 of talking points and collect feedback/ FAQ
  3. Share finished presentation, 9 out of 13 buildings complete, reflection
  4. Discuss possible community survey using educators’ data from November 6 survey, bring sample for the next meeting.
  5. Should the students take a survey?

October 24, 2018: Meeting Agenda Items

  1. OCC presentation
  2. Discuss how we should review data
  3. Set dates for future meetings November 28 is set, possible December 12 and/or 19, January 23, February 27.
  4. Student Survey Committees. Doug Lawrence (9-12), Rick Chapman (5-6) and Steve Garraffo (7-8) to serve as leader of sub-groups. Please see the leaders if you would like to participate at any given level.

November 28, 2018: Meeting Agenda Items

  1. Overview of the meeting and considerations.
  2. Look at results of questions 1-9 on the screen as a group.
  3. Get in groups and review data from open ended responses.
    1. Chart themes as you see them 

December 12, 2018: Meeting Agenda Items 

  1. Overview of the meeting and considerations.
  2. Get in groups to:
    1. Chart out themes
    2. Hand out summaries for the team to review
    3.  Highlight themes in one document to share with the BOE
  3. Would we like to recommend student and/or community surveys?
  4. What other details would we like to communicate with the BOE?

January 23, 2019: Meeting Agenda Items 

  1. Review presentation and draft #1 of community survey
  2. In groups of 3-5 people to brainstorm ideas to edit the presentation and/or draft #1 of the community survey
  3. Presentation dates after edits from this meeting, February 11 BOE, in building after February 11
  4. Future meetings, February 27, march 27, April 10, April 24**, June 19 at 5pm

** if needed to finish the community survey or work on community presentation

February 27, 2019: Meeting Agenda Items 

  1. Date change for the next meeting from March 27 to March 20.
  2. Conversations and Connections Dinner at King and King
  3. Community survey work “did you know?” (Google slide)

March 20, 2019: Meeting Agenda Items 

  1. 60 minutes clip
  2. Continue “did you know work” (Group #1)
  3. K-5 conversation (Group #2)

April 10, 2019: Meeting Agenda Items 

  1. Review Draft one of community survey... make recommendations for edits
  2. Review “Did you know video”... make recommendations for edits
  3. Review Timeline of education 2020 process
  4. Should we set a May meeting date?
  5. Other

April 24, 2019: Meeting Agenda Items  1. More reviews of “Did you know” video and community survey 2. Set meeting for May 1

May 1, 2019: Meeting Agenda Items 

  1. Finalize “Did you know” video and community survey
  2. Get feedback on configuration worksheet
  3. Discuss community conversations on June 5 & 6
    1.  Videos
    2. Data
    3. Conversations

June 19, 2019: if needed to finish the community survey or work on community presentation

September 18, 2019: Meeting Agenda Items 

  1. Community Data review (similar process that we went through with staff data)
  2. Other

October 2, 2019: Meeting Agenda Items 

  1. Finish data review as we did with the staff data

October 23, 2019: Meeting Agenda Items 

  1. Start conversation with picking a facility option for Dr. Potter to consider to bring to the BOE.

January 2020:

As 2019 came to a close, so did the work of the 色中色’s Education 2020 Committee. In the end, the committee found that the 色中色 community shares five key values with LCSD teachers and staff members:

  •  Class size (only close schools if keeping current size is possible) 
  •  Program opportunities (Career and Technical Education, STEM/STEAM, etc.)
  •  Mental health support/safety
  •  Tradition (keep what is working)
  •  Grade configuration (only change if it supports innovation)